National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Ching-Chun Chang received his PhD in Computer Science from
the University of Warwick, UK, in 2019. He participated in a
short-term scientific mission supported by European
Cooperation in Science and Technology Actions at the Faculty
of Computer Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg,
Germany, in 2016. He was granted the Marie-Curie fellowship
and participated in a research and innovation staff exchange
scheme supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions at the
Faculty of Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of
Technology, USA, in 2017. He was a Visiting Scholar with the
School of Computer and Mathematics, Charles Sturt
University, Australia, in 2018, and with the School of
Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia, in
2019. He was a Research Fellow with the Department of
Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, in 2020.
He is currently a Project Assistant Professor with the
National Institute of Informatics, Japan. His research
interests include artificial intelligence, biometrics,
communications, computer vision, cryptography, cybernetics,
cybersecurity, evolutionary computation, forensics,
information theory, linguistics, mathematical optimisation,
natural language processing, privacy engineering,
psychology, signal processing, steganography, time series
forecasting, and watermarking, within the scope of computer